so long summa.

^^^ I can't even begin to tell you happy I was to see Jacksonville, Fl ^^^

^^^ worship services! ^^^

 ^^^ Phil Dooley! Cool dude and down to earth. His message was just what I needed to hear. ^^^

^^^ Israel Houghton. Such a humble guy. He's the real deal. It's an honor to have experienced several worship services led by him. ^^^

^^^ Carl Lentz. God bless this man. Continuously standing up for what is (right)eous and not caring what others think. The true definition of one who lives to "love God, love people". ^^^

^^^ Lecrae! ^^^
^^^ Cuties! ^^^

^^^the ONE & ONLY Cece! ^^^

^^^ Love me some Des'ja! ^^^

^^^ our van rides should have been a reality tv show. seriously. ^^^

^^^ My baby sisters! ^^^
^^^ food. Food. FOOD. Just a few things I've eaten over the past few weeks that I've loved! The vegetable wrap in the top right corner was amazing!  ^^^

^^^ how cute is my mom?! ^^^

^^^ Savannah, GA. my favourite city in the south. ^^^

^^^ Two thumbs up for this fro yo. ^^^


hello beautiful people!

i want to start off by apologizing for my lack of posts. i appreciate your patience and still sticking with me even though I've been extremely slack in posting entries lately.

i had an entire entry posted, but I decided not to keep it. i read it a couple times and felt it wasn't necessary. most people don't want to read a bunch of rambling anyway, because that's all it was. me, rambling.

well, *sigh*, summer is coming to an end. my summer was full of Forward Conference, a couple of beach trips, a family reunion, a short trip to Savannah and A LOT of nights just hanging out laughing, eating, more laughing, just having fun aaaand doing a bunch of illegal stuff.-- JUST KIDDING! i am terribly sad to see these summer months leave, it's been pretty fantastic and the people above made it all worth while. i love them all to pieces.


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