Spring has finally sprung--so let's start a garden!

look at that tomato plant in the back to the right. yay!

it is FINALLY spring time here where i live.  since i live in the south eastern part of the US, the weather is so unpredictable.  it's quite frustrating at times, but when we have days like this-- 70 degree weather-- it's absolutely glorious. ahh man.

since the weather is great and it's getting warmer, i pitched the idea of starting a small garden to my mom. she was ALL for it and was very excited about it.  she grew up planting vegetables, fruits, but mainly tobacco with her mother, father and siblings.  although that's what her and her family and the rest of the families in the community spent most of their summer doing, it wasn't so much fun for them. but it kept them out of trouble and at the end of the summer, their reward was an awesome family vacation. that's a pretty good deal for giving up your summer to work in the fields and garden.  my grandparents had a lot of land in the country area of North Carolina so they were able to grow their own food.  they grew so much, that they had to give away what they couldn't put away & freeze.

my grandma still gardens today and she has about 2 or 3 in random locations around town where she lives planting different stuff and still feeds everyone that comes over. my great great grandma gardened until she was about 100 years old. pure dedication. i hope i'm as dedicated to something when i get 100+ years old. :)

a tomato plant, green bell peppers, red bell peppers and some pretty flowers have been planted. i think there will be some kale and cucumbers coming soon, as well. i'm thrilled to be growing my own vegetables! i save money and get fresh veggies at the same time!


  1. Wow, what beautiful garden! The flowers are so
    delicate and pretty. I really love the nature!
    Facebook Le Blog de Michelle

    1. Thank you! :) the flowers look so much better since we bought them Saturday afternoon. & the vegetable plants are growing!


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