My Holiday.

my mommy <3

first live tree in years.

                                    my favorite gift.                                                  
Soum and Beau's tree.

Christmas morning photo op.
my much needed mixer.

my aunt loves setting the table.

Beau (pronounced beeyu)

Beau and her mom's birthday celebration.
BFF time <3
happy new year!

cousins! <3

Hello beautiful people! :)

Another Christmas holiday has come and gone. I was terribly sad to see it go. Although there were a few ups and downs, this year was one of the best Christmases ever. It wasn't even about the gifts, it never is, we got to spend time with the people we love and that's what really matters. As I get older, that's what matters more to me than anything. Gifts are just a plus. :)

this month, there was so much going on my head was spinning, in a good way of course. i turned 24! where has the time gone??? yikes... i tried to fight it. i love getting older, but i know that there is responsibility with age. i think that's something i am going to have to face and get over because time is not waiting for me. minus my pouting about getting older, i am beyond blessed to see another year and so thankful. my mom, aunt and sister know that i don't like celebrating my birthday, but they were so wonderful and made me feel so special with gifts, hugs, kisses and cupcakes. they are the best! this time of year makes me so giddy and everyone around you is happy. i wish it was christmas everyday. i got to partake in a lot of christmas fun and tradition, like making cookies, helping put up the tree, buying and wrapping gifts, you know the usual. i also take this time to reflect on what is really important and the true meaning of christmas-- Jesus. i don't believe that Jesus was born on christmas day, but this is the season i celebrate his birth and i have the opportunity to reflect on God's love and the reason for the season. christmas day, we had my good friend, whom i met at work back in  April, and her lovely family over for dinner. her kids had christmas at our house too, which was so nice, and they were so grateful that they fell asleep with their gifts when they got home. my heart melted. i've gotten to know them so well and they have welcomed me into their home and hearts. they're such a beautiful family and they have brightened my year more than they will ever know. i took advantage of this holiday to see friends who were in town visiting for the holiday. i got to catch up and exchange gifts (our yearly tradtion) with my best friend! i had a blast, i loved every second we were together. i love that every time she comes home i realize that we're not in junior high anymore. it always takes me by surprise, but it also makes me realize that we're ADULTS now. we live hundreds of miles apart, but it has never changed our relationship, honestly it's stronger! i am so thankful for her and i couldn't have chosen a better friend, more like twin.

for new years, we surprised some friends (who are also like our family considering we spend every other holiday with them!) and stopped by for the night and watched the ball drop! so much fun. my age is telling on me because at 11 PM i was yawning and getting comfy on their couch. hehe ;) at midnight we opened up some sparkling grape juice and took about 10,000 silly photos. New years day, we took a trip to grandma's for her yearly new years day dinner. we got a chance to see some old friends and spend time with family. agh, there was soo much food, nothing vegetarian friendly except beans and mac&cheese-- which i loved anyway. it was a nice afternoon/evening and much needed. the night ended with a random bottle of champagne and my grandma playing the piano and my aunt and uncle singing old gospel songs!

i hope you all had a wonderful holiday. it's 2014, make this year count!


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