Summer Goals

Hi fellow bloggers. happy friday to you and yours :) the summer months are quickly approaching.  i am surprisingly ready for the hot weather and lots of sunshine.  this week has been very gloomy and rainy. it's been 5 days. 5 DAYS with no sun!  i am not a fan of dreary weather. although, i did see the sun peak out from under the clouds for about 2 minutes while i was at it's not even worth talking about. for those who are used to it and you are able to get out of bed in the morning, you have nothing but respect from me. i am hopeful for a sunnier week! actually, to be honest, i am praying and crossing my fingers...

since summer IS coming up and all, i've decided to set some goals for myself. the ones you see below are my top 5 and realistic. i usually do not set summer goals for myself, except for maybe to survive the heat and catch up on sleep.  it seems as if those days are over. although, as long as i live in the south, i will always spend the summer months trying to survive the heat.  

recently i have realized why it is important to set goals for yourself, especially ones that are attainable.  it allows me an opportunity to work hard and challenge myself to reach a personal victory.  it is also important for me to stay motivated.  when i know that a goal is attainable, then the motivation is greater and the goal becomes a reality.  now one of these "goals" below is a MUST DO ('take the GRE!!' for instance)--considering i want to go to grad school!  so by the end of summer i think that i will have crossed all of these goals off my list.  wish me luck! :)

ps: not my photo.


  1. I need to make some summer goals, too! Learning a new language is always top of my list. I'm semi-fluent in Spanish. My husband speaks it perfectly, so I feel like I should jump on the bandwagon and learn it well enough to teach it to our children someday.

    1. I feel the same way! I am no where near good at speaking Spanish, but I can hear and read it and i understand it. i'm thinking about trying to learn some Japanese. idk though, the language is so foreign to me i'll admit that i am a little intimidated.


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